We came up with this technical manual for service partners like you who help us every day to resolve small and large problems concerning the maintenance and repair of our products and foster their continuous improvements.

We strongly believe in the value and transparency of our technical knowledge, so we are making it available to you in this manual and ensuring it is as complete as possible, user-friendly and leads you straight to the point in a few simple steps.We believe it provides an unparalleled degree of precision and detail for each specific operation.

We are convinced that a concrete and constant use of this manual will provide indisputable advantages to you and to the product that we have been passionately producing for years.

We believe in change and in implementing a problem-solving approach. By using this manual, we would like you to join this endeavour, because we know that our level of technical knowledge is directly proportionate to the client’s level of satisfaction.

No need to worry. Use it. Test it out and give us your feedback. We would be delighted to receive any suggestions you might have in order to make your service more effective, productive and efficient - thanks, also, to this TSM.

We want to accompany you step-by-step through the repair process and provide you with a highly effective work method, whether you are new to Homa products or one of our most experienced and constructive partners.

Simply follow the manual’s sequential logic to make successful repairs, worry-free, without wasting your precious time, and your knowledge of the HOMA product will improve day by day.