Step 1

Remove shelves. 

Step 2

Remove chill box. 

Step 3

Remove chill flap. 

Step 4

Lever 2 decorative strips off and remove.

Step 5

Remove the 4 screws. 

Step 6

Pull out fridge air duct. 

Step 7

Disconnect the terminals. 


Step 1

Check to see if tray is missing. 

Step 2

Check to see if tray is missing or broken, if outlet hole of tray is blocked. 


Tip 1

When reinstalling fridge air duct, first put the positive end of buckle on the top into the negative ends. 

Tip 2

Then put the positive end of buckle on the sides into the negative ends. 

Tip 3

Later, fasten the buckles on the sides by knocking them in.